Most of your friends and family will give you a tip or two on how to care for your little angel once they join you.
But rarely does one mention the morning sickness or even the symptoms at 10 weeks pregnant that will take away your peace for the next few months.
And who knows? It could even go to the last trimester. Lest read more on morning sickness vs food poisoning.
And while morning sickness may be one of the things ringing in your mind at this point, you may also experience food poisoning.
Unfortunately, the two have traits that are alike, which may be very confusing. But for you tell them apart, I will narrow them down systematically.
Can morning sickness feel like food poisoning?
Yes, it can, and most times, pregnant women in the early stages may confuse the two.
However, morning sickness symptoms should come with back pain due to stress and high production of hormones, excess saliva, frequent change in moods, body changes like sore and larger breasts, and a high level of detecting smells that causes nausea and vomiting.
On the other hand, food poisoning features nausea and vomiting (the first sign accompanied by diarrhea), high body temperature, and neurological issues due to dehydration.
Remember that food poisoning can go away on its without any medical intervention.
How can you tell if it’s food poisoning or pregnancy?
Especially when a woman isn’t expecting a baby too soon, it can be easy to confuse morning sickness and food poisoning.
But to distinguish them, you should pay attention to the signs, and it wouldn’t hurt to also know how it feels when 10 weeks pregnant.
Food poisoning starts with nausea and vomiting and is triggered whenever you take anything. Whereas, in pregnancy, nausea and vomiting result from any aroma that the expectant mother can’t get along with.
That means that getting away from the environment for some fresh air can make one feel better.
Other signs of food poisoning include neurological issues from dehydration and a high body temperature. In contrast, morning sickness’ symptoms include frequent changes in moods, excess saliva, back pain, and body changes like sore and enlarged breasts.
Keep in mind that the body changes will never happen in food poisoning unless you have both!
How can you tell the difference between a stomach bug and morning sickness?
In the early weeks of pregnancy, like 10 weeks pregnant it may be challenging to differentiate stomach bugs from morning sickness.
While both may have nausea and vomiting, a stomach bug will likely incorporate diarrhea, cramps, and fever caused by a virus or bacteria.
The same sign in morning sickness will result from aromas that the soon-to-be mother doesn’t like.
And in the second circumstance, you won’t experience a high body temperature. If you think it’s a bug, be sure to call your doctor soon.
Morning Sickness Or Food Poisoning? Which One Is It?
Morning Sickness
If you weren’t expecting to get pregnant soon, you may find yourself at the hospital expecting to test positive for an ailment such as Malaria.
However, your medical doctor may easily tell and will encourage you to get a pregnancy test.
And the good thing is that you can go home and perform the test yourself since pregnancy kits are quite affordable, but there also option on how to check if your pregnant without a pregnancy test.
Whoever called it ‘morning sickness’ was wrong as it occurs at any time of the day and night.
Symptoms of Morning Sickness
Abnormally high level of detecting scent
For most, if not all pregnant women, they can sniff out even the dullest of smells. That is thanks to the estrogen level in their systems which facilitates this.
And which is why they tend to avoid or spend very little time in public places.
Nausea and vomiting
This is a very common characteristic of pregnancy. Aromas that do not get along with the expectant mother is likely to make them nauseous and if it persists it leads to vomiting. It could even be the smell of food that is cooking in the kitchen.
And sometimes, these two signs may bring about dizziness and in worst cases, fainting.
Body changes
While pregnant, women experience some changes in their breasts size.
They become swollen and very sensitive. On the other hand, the areolas turn darker than usual. But the body change does not stop here also find out how breastfeeding affects your body, just something to look forward to in this journey of parenting.
Too much Saliva
Even though some expectant mothers may not experience this characteristic, it is quite familiar. Ever wondered why they lack appetite?
It is because of this condition, which is scientifically referred to as Ptyalism gravidarum.
Frequent change in moods
If you have ever stayed with a pregnant woman, or are one yourself, you have probably noticed the periodic change in moods.
For instance, they will be very happy for a moment and depressed in the next. Some may even as they tend to be very emotional.
Back pain
Some doctors recommend pregnancy pillows to ease the distress experienced by your back. And I can attest that they are very helpful. But why does pregnancy have to come with backache?
It is due to stress and the production of high level of hormones.
When does morning sickness start?
At the 6th gestational week and may seize at the end of the first trimester if you are fortunate. Contrary to most scenarios, some women have a gentle pregnancy and experience less discomfort.
All of the above symptoms are a courtesy of low levels of blood sugar and pregnancy-related hormones in the body. It is not a surprise that some women never want to get pregnant again.
Food Poisoning
Are you experiencing continuous vomiting and diarrhea? If you are, you may be the latest victim of food poisoning.
But come to think of it; what is food poisoning? It is a disorder caused by ingesting polluted food or water.
It could be contaminated by the manufacturer or during preparation.
Therefore, it is a good idea to observe high level of sanitation in your kitchen. For vegetables and fruits, wash them thoroughly before consumption.
Keep in mind that they could be infested with pests and parasites or contain farm chemicals.
As for meat lovers, ensure that it is fully cooked, and this mostly applies to delicacies that you may decide to buy rather than cook at home.
How long does it take for the body to react to food poisoning?
Depending on how sensitive you are, it may take minutes to days. And once it begins, it may last a few hours or take some days.
However, if it exceeds four days, it is advisable to seek medical intervention to avoid excess dehydration.
And if the virus or bacteria you consumed is E.coli, Giardia Lamblia or Hepatitis A, it may take five days or more to manifest in the body.
Signs of food poisoning
Nausea and vomiting
Like in the case of morning sickness, this trait is almost the first to give you a heads up that something is wrong.
If you keep vomiting everything that you ingest, it may be time to focus on taking as much fluids as possible.
And normally, this is accompanied by diarrhea making the situation worse and therefore, unbearable.
High body temperature
With morning sickness, you will never experience a high fever. Therefore, if you have this characteristic, it is all about something that you ate. And it may go as high as a hundred- and two-degrees Fahrenheit.
If it is that high, it may be time to call your doctor.
The symptom may also come with excessive sweating or a chilly feeling.
Gastrointestinal tract may be affected
Once the bacteria or virus is introduced into the body, it affects the gastrointestinal tract, which includes the stomach and the intestines. That means you may experience bloating, hyperacidity, stomach cramps and diarrhea.
Neurological issues
Due to vomiting and diarrhea, one may experience dehydration.
Unfortunately, it affects the functioning of the nervous system. In turn, this can lead to weakness of the muscles, blurred vision, tingling arms, weariness, dizziness, and malaise.
During such period, visiting the bathroom may seem like going up a mountain.
Differences between morning sickness and food poisoning
There are changes that make it almost obvious that you must be pregnant before confirming. These include missing your period or instead getting a light spotting. Secondly, your breasts become sore and full.
And unless you are both pregnant and poisoned, you will never experience these conditions in the case of food poisoning
Food poisoning is usually not that severe. And even without going to the nearest clinic or hospital, it normally goes away on its own.
I am not discouraging you from doing so. If you can, it may be the best thing to do before it gets worse.
In the case of morning sickness, the feeling comes and goes. Even during the night and disappears at the end of the first trimester for some, and at the third trimester for others.
What should you do to feel better?
For food poisoning, avoid spiced food and take lots of fluids to avoid dehydration.
With morning sickness, take snacks from time to time and ensure you get a good breakfast, so what do pregnant women eat for breakfast?
Avoid smells that bring about that nauseous feeling, and eat ginger and the things that you crave the most.
Is morning sickness throwing up or diarrhea?
Morning sickness is common during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, and can even extend to the third trimester for some.
Still, a major sign is usually nausea and vomiting. Nausea is the feeling of throwing up due to pregnancy hormonal shifts. One can also experience sweating and diarrhea.
What does morning sickness vomit look like?
As you experience morning sickness, vomiting may turn into reflux. But its color is quite unique. If you just had your glass of water, it is likely to be clear. If not, expect a yellowish or greenish-yellow color.
Final thoughts on Morning Sickness Vs Food Poisoning
Morning sickness and food poisoning can be hard to tell apart.
Still, morning sickness signs generally include nausea and vomiting, body changes like full and sore breasts, excess saliva, frequent change in moods, and back pain.
In contrast, food poisoning features constant nausea and vomiting from any ingestion, neurological problems from dehydration, and a high body temperature.
If the morning sickness is severe, you should consider talking to your pharmacist. He may recommend supplements that can help fulfill the nutritional needs of your unborn baby.