All you need to know about Pullups vs diapers

If the wild fights during diaper changes are your new nightmare, you probably wonder if going the pullups way may help. If not, you may contemplate potty training, it might be the most suitable solution for the transition.

Not to worry, all parents have been there debating about Pullups vs diapers.

And when it’s time for a new pack of diapers, you look through the prices and can’t help but ponder what pullups could do differently.

Yet the goal is pretty much the same, and besides mimicking the underwear, could it reduce the fights during changing?

From choosing the best baby finger foods, bib, toys to everything and anything our babies use, we are constantly faced with the challenge of making the best choices for our kids, and diapers are no exception.

This article will give insight into the differences between the two to help you make a satisfactory decision. Read on to establish their variations, advantages, and disadvantages!

When Should I Use Pullups Instead Of Diapers?

If a child shows interest in using the toilet, it is probably a good time to start working on transitioning. Pullups are also more efficient and convenient to use than diapers.

Pullups are perfect for potty and nighttime training since you avoid the messy straps when wrestling with your hyper toddler. The majority of kids are ready for potty training after two years.

Do Pullups Work As Good As Diapers?

If you plan to buy diapers for your toddler, consider the pullups instead. Pullups are diapers with elastic bands made from the same material as diapers.

They promote independence in the toddler and can be slipped up or down with ease. The pull up diapers is especially useful during potty training.

They are easily removable and can also be used as training pants when the child starts wearing underwear using plastic pants. Pullups do not have tapes, making the whole process easier for both parent and child and are also more comfortable for toddlers.

Pull ups diapers vs diapers: what is the differences and which is best?

You wouldn’t be entirely wrong if you said the two are one and the same thing. Unless for the design, they meet the same function.

With elastic waists, pull up diapers can be pulled up and down, working like underwear, while the diapers feature taped stripes on both sides. Usually, pullups are suitable for babies in the potty-training stage.

They promote some independence through the ability to be pulled up and down effortlessly.

Pullups are quickly replacing the traditional diapers despite their slightly higher costs.

Even size three babies can get a feel of underwear from such a young age and if you would like probably look at the difference between Pampers easy ups vs Huggies pull ups diapers.

Apart from the price tags, these baby items have a few differences you should note, like absorbency, design, usage, and diaper sizes. Let’s find out!

The Price

There is a variation between the two regarding pricing, but it’s nothing to really disorient your whole budget.

Generally, pullups are slightly more expensive than diapers. However, the brand choice will influence this cost, and there are multiple diaper brands.

No one is saying that all the unknown brands are of poor quality, but pricing will combine the style, features, and brand to compute the ideal cost.

We have seen parents try their luck between diaper brands, and most times, it helps you realize the best one for your child.

Absorbency of each

As parents, leaks aren’t our major problem because we can quickly remove the baby stains, but they can be very unsettling, so we’d rather avoid them.

When comparing pullups vs diapers, many parents have found that pulls aren’t as absorbent as traditional diapers. Probably a good time to bring in the old is the gold phrase.

Typically, both feature multi-absorbent layers to take up as much as possible. However, pullups are less-absorbent and may lead to leaking.

But again, the brand is a determining factor.

So as you go down the baby aisle feeding your eyes with several baby diaper brands, keep in mind that regardless of the brand, pullups aren’t generally as absorbent efficient as their counterparts.

With that said, they may not manage the leaks well. 

Parents can get a list of the diapers they have used, and trust me; everyone has a tale about each one.

Probably the affordable one, the one that baby finds comfy, to the super absorbent one, and pullups are no different.

That’s why some brands have specifically designed their pullups to feature better absorbent abilities for the nighttime. So, the bottom line is that specific brands may offer a higher absorbency tendency.

While we may blame diaper firms for this and that, we should choose the right size and keep in mind the frequency of changes that suit our little angels. Finding the best diaper or pullup may incorporate using several brands too. 


The most apparent variation between the two is their design.

The traditional diapers feature a snuggly fit, secured in place with two taped strips on the opposite ends.

You have to undo the tabs first for a change, perfect for babies and young toddlers.

At the same time, pullups come with an elastic waistband for an easy pull upwards and downwards, similar to undies. They are an apt solution to the diaper battles associated with older toddlers.

They are also quick because they feature rip-away sides.


Although your pullup journey can start earlier on, parents consider it when it’s time to go the potty training way, or generally when toddlers get to the age of two.

All brands are out to profit from their products, and most claim that their pullup abilities are similar to taped diapers. But are they?

Having utilized the two, most parents seem to prefer standard diapers, which are exceptionally reliable during nighttime.

You could incorporate more changing sessions with pullups if you are up to the task. Besides, if you have to change the baby while standing up, you may have no choice after all. 

Pullups are a great solution when you can’t get the baby to stop flipping over from the changing position. Additionally, these latest developments are less bulky, perfect if it’s a baby’s day out or when traveling for baby’s comfort.

Diaper Sizes

Diapers are more specific with weight and feature sizes 1 to 6.

That means finding the one suitable for your baby is relatively easy. As for pullups, they are generally sized as our clothing and, therefore, have similar weight recommendations. I

t’s more like rounding off to the nearest weight or size to get the best one.

As you weigh what suits your baby, the advantages and disadvantages below may help:

Pullups vs diapers; the advantages they offer 

Pull ups diapers

  • They’re perfect for active babies and older toddlers since they are effortless to put on.
  • Encourage baby’s independence during potty training.


  • Feature various and specific sizes.
  • Better absorbent properties.
  • They come with enhanced leak protection.

Pullups vs diapers the disadvantages for each

Pull up diapers

  • Mostly available in bigger sizes.
  • Slightly costlier than their equivalents.
  • They aren’t as efficient as diapers with their absorbent abilities.


  • Needs a parent or grown-up for removal.
  • Stand-up diaper changes can be complicated.

Common questions asked on Pullups vs diapers

Do Pullups Leak More Than Diapers?

Many parents who have used both say that pullups don’t hold as much as cloth diapers.

However, pull-ups and diapers are made using several layers of absorbent material to absorb liquids, with a waterproof outer layer.

It might depend on the brand you are buying, as some brands of pull-ups claim more absorbency than diapers.

Pull-ups tend to leak more often than diapers, especially overnight, as diapers are designed to hold far more liquid than pull-ups.

What Age Should You Start Using Pullups?

Most kids are ready for potty training between two and three.

Pullups make the process of potty training easier due to elastic bands. By this age, toddlers will have increased independence, interest in other people using the bathroom, and they can stay dry for at least two hours.

When they show signs of readiness, begin by taking them to the bathroom every hour or two and using pullups. Praise their efforts to stay dry and make it a fun experience.

Are Pullups Or Diapers Cheaper?

Pullups tend to be more expensive than diapers when comparing the overall cost, though the difference isn’t significant.

The difference in cost is usually affected by the features and style of the brand you choose.

For example, some brands offer extra padding for daytime or nighttime use, while others may offer wetness indicators or special designs.

Although pullups may cost more than diapers, they offer greater convenience for parents because of their easy use and ability to bend without tearing.

Final thoughts on pullups vs diapers

Is it the fitting size and better absorbent abilities for you?

Or your active toddler is getting tougher by the day during diaper changes? You could try both and find out for yourself what works for you and your baby the most.

Although pullups are becoming the new definition of convenience for parents, it has a fair share of daunting facts. Weigh the benefits and drawbacks to establish the best answer!       

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