3 year old potty Training Resistance

When your child reaches a certain age, society immediately dictates that your baby is expected to know certain things, such as rolling over, talking, or walking. However, there is no standard age for specific developments; instead, there is an age bracket. Some babies may take longer or faster to get to that stage. With the proper training and a comfortable environment, your baby will be able to reach the developmental stages at their own pace. When we talk of potty training, most children have learned how to use the toilet by three. But how do you handle 3 year old potty training resistance?

Training a new skill can be frustrating. But if your child is three years of age and has depicted normal development, then it’s a perfect time for you to start the potty training journey. 

However, it is essential to note the difference between resistance to learn the new skill or an underlying medical issue that could be developing. Some common medical conditions mistaken for resistance include constipation, intermittent streams of peeing, bed wetting at an older age, infrequent intervals of peeing. In case of these signs, it is necessary to schedule an appointment with a pediatrician, rather than push your child too hard.

When is my child ready for potty training?

 To have a smooth and successful journey during potty training, you need to ensure your baby is ready to learn the new skill. So how will you know your baby is ready? These are some of the signs you should look out for.

– If your child can tell you when their diaper is dirty and needs changing.

– Your baby can communicate before or after they have gone.

– If their bowel movements come at a regular time, you can use this opportunity to introduce the potty.

– If your child is able to stay dry most nights. 

– They seem interested in the toilet and interested in wearing underpants throughout the day rather than the diaper.

– Also, if your child seems to be more independent and does most tasks on their own.

These are just some of the tale signs that your child is ready to graduate to the next milestone in their life. 

How to prepare for potty training

No person knows their child better than you, and if you have a stubborn little munchkin, it is a good idea if you prepared ahead of time. Stubborn children are known to resist any new thing you want to train them. Instead of springing this new training session on them, how about involving them in the preparation process. When they get involved, they are more likely to corporate and readily embrace the new skill. 

Below are some fun potty training activities you can do to help get your little one on board with the potty training sessions.

Start by training a stuffed animal or doll they like playing with. Having him help you train their favorite toy will make them see that the training session can be something fun to learn. 

Go shopping together and pick out some cool and fun underwear for them.

When they have wet or soiled their diapers, don’t change them immediately. Let them associate discomfort with a wet diaper, and with time they will inform you when it is time to change. And before you know it, he might start telling you just before he goes on his diaper.

Let your child watch you in the bathroom. When they see you use the toilet, they will feel more comfortable when it is time for them to use it. This would also be a perfect time for you to talk about the diaper and how comfortable it is to wear it all the time.

Ways to overcome the potty training resistance phase

 If your child has constantly given oppositional and aggressive responses towards learning how to use the toilet, you will need to re-evaluate your approach to potty training. Using extreme coercive methods such as threats and punishments cannot be a practical criterion to use. Remember, this is a new concept for your child. Thus, avoid using any unnecessary pressure. The idea is to train your child some level of Independence rather than creating resistance to the new concept. Your child should also understand the beneficial aspect of potty training to make the process a little easier. 

If you have tried all the tricks in your bag, how about taking a look at some of these tips below. 

  1. Give incentives for using the toilet.

Incorporating a reward system is deemed an appropriate way to ensure your child grasps the toilet training sessions. Try to offer prizes like stickers when he or she has a successful potty session. Or look for something you know your child would love. How about getting your child’s input on what would be a great enticement when they successfully use the potty? It is a good idea to give rewards immediately after using the potty for them to be aware of the reason for the prize. Furthermore, positive feedbacks, hugs, and praise should be included in the reward package.

2. Stop all reminders about using the toilet

 Constant reminders to use the toilet can pressure your toddler, leading to resistance and power struggle. Let the child know that they are free to use the toilet when they want to without you reminding them. Do not accompany him or her to the toilet or forcefully make them sit on it. This is how you slowly build the resistance nature. Let your child do it at their time; this will make them feel the joy of their success. 

3. Ease your child’s fear

The potty training resistance can be traced back to the toddler’s fear of the toilet’s flushing sound or struggle to balance seating on the toilet for some children. To counter this, you will need to give your child words of affirmation as a way to ease his or her fear. You may also use a potty seat to replace the toilet and only flush when the child is out of the room.

4. Transfer the responsibility to them

Making your child aware that it is their obligation to make sure they use the potty will attract less resistance. You should explain to your child that it is their responsibility to use the toilet and inform them of the consequence of failure to do so. As you try to instill responsibility, give your child the opportunity to make choices in other aspects of their life, like choosing the clothes they want to wear for the day. This will make them feel responsible for their selection, and as a result, they will be liable for their toilet habits.

5. Avoid criticizing your toddler for accidents.

In the scenario, they wet or soil their clothes, do not criticize their actions. Instead, encourage them and inform them of what has happened, then suggest playfully that they try using the potty when they get the same sensation. At times, children don’t fully understand the feeling of peeing. Thus, it would help if you tried to link that feeling with using the toilet. 

6. Replace diapers with underwear

Diapers give the children a false sense of success by holding the stool. You should otherwise replace this with underwear even if they continue to wetting or soiling themselves. This will push your child towards learning how to use the potty. 

7. Ensure you offer the convenience of the potty

Children naturally have a playful nature, and therefore by the time they get to the potty, there is a higher chance they may have wet or soiled themselves. Consequently, it would help if you located the potty in a convenient place. The visual picture of the potty also reminds your child that he or she needs to use it when the need arises. 

8. Star rate your child

Successful potty usage calls for a star rating, and upon achieving a five-star rating, reward them with something they love.

9. Hydrate more frequently

As we know, repetition is vital when instilling a new skill; the same thing applies to potty training. Practice makes perfect, and for your little one to keep practicing, they need to eliminate more frequently. For this to happen, they need to drink a lot of fluids throughout the day. Additionally, a glass of prune juice will help produce more bowel movements, thus reducing cases of constipation.

One last thing on 3 year old potty Training Resistance

The potty training journey can be frustrating at times, but you need to remember to take it easy and relax. Even the stubbornest child will grasp the new skill. Your journey might take much longer, but you will eventually get there. You don’t want to pressure your child while at it. When they are developmentally ready, they will definitely grasp the potty trains skills.

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