When To Stop Using Baby Monitor? Learn How To Ditch The Monitor!

The safety of our children is always a priority, but it can’t stop us from wondering when to stop using baby monitor.

Most experts recommend stopping the use when you baby is 4 years old, but this is a person choice as a parent.

When we first learn of our pregnancy, we immediately run to buy baby stuff, one of them being on the list is a baby monitor, especially if your home is sound-proof.

But it does come in handy. Especially if your baby is sleeping in his room or crib, you have an idea of what is going on.

Or might still be figuring out how to sleep train a 12 month old? Then a baby monitor would come in handy.

Most cribs are designed with safety precautions in mind. Hence, despite how old the baby might be, he may find it challenging to get out of bed when he wakes up without you in sight.

But that shouldn’t be a cause to burry your head in the sand. 

Some babies are very energetic and naughty, significantly once they attain the age of one year. Moreover, if this happens, you may have an emergency to take care of. 

Do I need a baby monitor?

The need for the monitor is dependent on a number of factors, the size of the room, is your house sound proof, and just personal choice.

Although we are familiar with it, what is a baby monitor?

It is a video or an audio device that helps you keep tabs on your baby at all times, even when in another room.

In the wake of modern technology, baby monitors have drastically improved in their operation.

The signal range has improved while the screen resolution for video baby monitors depicts the actual baby rather than amorphous grey blobs. 

At what age do you stop using a baby monitor?

You can stop using the baby monito at 4 years old, but the choice comes down to you the parent as you can stop earlier and much later.

But just a few things to note

During the first six months, your baby should sleep in the same room with their parents to reduce the possibility of SIDS, which can happen to a perfectly healthy baby.

At the same time, there are no guidelines on when to stop using a baby monitor.

The relevant clinical bodies have not given an accurate time to stop using a baby monitor. It all goes down to your decision as a parent.

On one end, you need to give your toddler some privacy to have a healthy and functional lifestyle.

Therefore, it is advisable to stop using the monitor whenever you feel your baby is okay to sleep without supervision.

However, with babies older than six months, you can reduce the frequency of using a baby monitor.

At this age, the baby has a consistent sleeping pattern, which you can quickly get used to.

Gradually, you can lower the monitor’s volume and later put it away if there is no reason to be alarmed.

Afterward, you can physically check on your toddler during moments that you are awake. 

Benefits of using a baby monitor

Helps with sleep training

If you are at the stage of sleep training your baby, a baby monitor will reassure you the baby is okay.

It is the perfect tool since you should not be physically around the baby’s room during sleep training as it will distract them.

Additionally, some baby monitors incorporate additional features such as lullabies that help the baby go to sleep.

It can be used as a nanny camera

As a mother, you would want to be sure of how your nanny treats your baby. Therefore, when using a video baby monitor, you can track the care given to your child. 

Reasons to stop using the baby monitor

It is a distraction

When using a baby monitor, you need to track the progress of the baby constantly.

It may distract you from doing other activities or even sleeping well. To combat this, you may opt to periodically switch off the receiver and switch it on after some time.

Increases your anxiety

Constant use of a baby monitor for an extended period may turn into an obsession.

Following that, you become concerned with every sound coming from the baby’s room.

Therefore, whenever the baby goes for prolonged periods without making any sounds, you might become anxious and frequently check the monitor’s functionality.

Healthwise, anxiety has been known to cause sleep disorders such as irregular sleep.

It is important to note that when using a baby monitor, you need to draw a thin line between trusting your baby and the baby monitor.

The best way is to switch off the baby monitor and listen to the baby to determine if the situation falls under an emergency.

Your bedroom is close to your baby’s room

Typically, you will situate the baby’s room adjacent to your bedroom for convenience purposes.

With this positioning, you can easily hear the baby’s wails from across the hallway, making the purpose of the baby monitor obsolete.

At the age of six months and above, the baby can make louder noises. You need to leave both bedroom doors open to make it easier to hear the baby’s cry or commotion.

A toddler can alert their parents better

Once your baby can get themselves in and out of their crib, you have nothing to worry about.

It will be easier for you to ditch the baby monitor as the baby’s alert will be more effective. You may have to train them to seek help whenever they are not okay.

All noises do not need your attention

It is usual for a toddler to make certain sounds when sleeping, such as sneezing, snorting, or coughing.

As a parent, you need to be familiar with such sounds to keep you from worrying unnecessarily.

But if the baby continuously produces a specific sound, that may be something to be concerned about. At some point, your toddler might cry and continue sleeping.

Therefore, it is necessary to note these trends and not be too quick to respond.

How to ditch a baby monitor

At times, you may be addicted to watching your baby sleep, therefore, making it difficult to quit. For a start, you can switch off the receiver but keep it close.

As time goes by, it gets easier to withdraw the use of a baby monitor, and before you know it, it will be useless to you.

Do baby monitors prevent SIDS?

There have been debates that a baby monitor can prevent SIDS. However, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, there is no link between the baby monitor and SIDS prevention.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is usually an unexplained death of a seemingly healthy baby while sleeping.

Find out when you can stop worrying about SIDS.

Even with the invention of cardiorespiratory monitors that monitor the baby’s breathing, there is still no evidence of reducing SIDS.

Since SIDS primarily affects babies under one year and is linked to breathing difficulties, you should sleep with your baby in the same room during this time.

You should also let the baby lie on the back with no obstacle around.

One last thing on When to stop using baby monitor

Even though all parents may not find a baby monitor useful, it has served many. S

ince you are sure about your baby’s safety, you can go about your activities while the baby lies down in his crib. However, employing such devices shouldn’t keep you from checking on your baby frequently. And SIDS is one of the reasons you shouldn’t let the monitor take care of your responsibility entirely!

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