How to store baby bottles for next baby

As you start thinking of adding another bundle of joy, the first thing that runs through your mind is what baby gears you can reuse and what you can buy new. And if you’re like me, for the first baby, we spent a lot on the baby bottles we got, which made me wonder, can these bottles be reused. I mean, I can’t just dispose of them while they are in good condition so let’s find out how to store baby bottles for next baby.

Helpful tips on how to reuse baby bottles

According to several lactation consultants, it is very okay to reuse baby bottles for the next baby. I mean, these are just like any other dishes that we use in the house, yes babies are delicate, and we need to give them that extra care, but when we think of it, a feeding bottle is like the mugs and plates we have in the kitchen cabinets that we wash and reuse.

Thus, there is no need to dispose of them and purchase new bottles rather properly store them away so that they are ready for the next baby.

Additionally, you don’t have to do deep sterilization before using on the next baby; this is assuming your baby is healthy and full-term. Just the old fashioned way of cleaning baby bottles will do, some hot water and soap and they are good to go, or if you have a dishwasher, you can make use of that.

However, there are a few things you will need to be aware of if your old baby bottle is cracked or cold have some discoloration you will probably require to get new ones. Also, ensure the bottles that you have are free of BPA, bisphenol, the good thing most of the bottles that are sold in recent years are free from this.

The only thing you might need to purchase is new nipples; these tend to degrade, making the flow rate to open up over time. Therefore, replacing them would be a good idea because you want the flow rate to be a little slower for the newborn.

How to store baby bottles for next baby?

Now that we have settled this burning question, we can move on to the next step on how to store baby bottles.

1. Properly wash the bottles.

If your bottles have passed the fit test above, that is no cracks or discoloration; then, we can go ahead and store the bottles for the next baby. The first thing is washing the bottles properly with hot water and soap, to ensure you have removed any germs and keep them sterile. You will want these bottles to air dry on a clean dishcloth. Ensure you have spread out all the parts; this is the attachment rings, nipple and the bottle its self.

When the bottle parts properly air dry, it prevents the buildup of mold and germs.

2.Time to reassemble the parts.

Now it’s time to reassemble the bottle parts, but before this ensure your hands are clean, we don’t want to transfer any germs to the clean bottles. Once assembled, it will make it easier to store them away and takes up less space. However, if you prefer storing the parts separately, there is no problem; you can easily skip this step.

3.Choose the location to store the bottles.

Now you need to choose where these bottles will be stored away if it is a cabinet or a container you will need to sanitize it properly. Before placing the bottles in the cabinet, ensure you have thoroughly cleaned the cabinets. You could use sanitizing wipes, or just your disinfecting soap and water, the aim is to have a clean area. If you prefer storing the bottles in a container, also ensure it is properly washed and cleaned, and preferably air-dried to avoid any mold or germ build-up.

4.Go ahead and store the bottles away

Once the cabinet or container is nice and clean, you can easily store your bottles for the next baby; you can consider this to be a quick and easy baby bottle organizer option. But before using the bottles on your next baby ensure you have adequately washed them with hot water and soap, we might have stored them clean, but some dust might have collected along the way, thus, the need to wash them again.

Summary of the store safety tips shared

Once you have correctly washed the bottle brushes, feeding bottles, and the washbasin, allow all these items to air dry before you store them away for later use. This step is essential in preventing mold and germs growing on the items. Once these items are dry, you can put them back together, then store them in a clean and protective area. This will prevent any contamination from taking place.

These can store safely till the next baby comes, and once your bundle of joy arrives, before using these bottles, ensure you properly clean the items, to ensure you are not transferring any germs to the newborn.

It is essential to follow these steps

  1. Wash hands properly with running water and soap before holding clean feeding bottles.
  2. You can put the items back together to save on space; this also ensures you have all the parts available for the next feeding sessions with your newborn.
  3. Store the bottles safely. Place all the items; this is the washbasin, feeding items, brush in the protected area, this can be a closed kitchen cabinet or a basin with a lid used for clean dishes.

With the new baby coming, there is no need to buy new feeding bottles if the previous bottles have been kept in good condition. This will surely save you a few pennies, and probably you can direct those funds to other items that urgently need replacing. Since you are an experienced mom, this second ride should be much more comfortable, so ensure you enjoy the journey and continue bonding with your little ones, all the best mama.

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