How to properly burp a newborn baby

A good belch from your baby after every feeding -if you can in the middle of the feed- can go a long way in calming the fussiness. Thus, it is important to learn How to properly burp a newborn baby.

And with that, you are already thinking about how to properly burp a newborn baby.

If your baby tends to fuss and get a little cranky after her feeding, it could be that she swallowed some air. This often happens when gulping down milk, and this could make her feel uncomfortably full.

But the tips below should help to get the air out faster.

But before jumping to the tips, a little did you know info.

When your baby is feeding, she is bound to swallow some air. This could be the reason hy they get very fussy and cranky either after or during the feeding sessions.

When she swallows some air while breastfeeding, it can feel a little uncomfortable for her. I am sure you have noticed she would gulp down the breast milk or formula. This could be when some air made its way to her tiny stomach.

Since it is something you are not able to control, there are ways you can remedy this for your baby.

With these burping tips, you will be able to bring up the air and keep your baby calm for the next feeding.

And when you properly burp her, you are making space for more milk to get into her tummy.

Some of the key reasons you need to burp your bab

At each feeding, you need to ensure that you are burping your baby.

The reason is that as she is nursing, she is not able to control the air that makes its way into her tummy. This is where mummy comes to the rescue to release the air. It is by ensuring that she is burping between and after feeding.

Those air bubbles trapped in her stomach will make her feel very uncomfortable. Sometimes, she might feel full before expressing a whole breast.

It is the reason adequate burping is essential. It removes this unwanted air to make the next feeding much more comfortable for her.

What are the causes of gassiness in babies?

Some mothers believe the use of a bottle is the reason behind gassy babies, but this theory is not fully supported.

Well, with the use of a bottle, it might expose your baby to ingest more air as they feed; as a result, making it much easier for her to overfeed.

But it is essential to know that every baby is different; even a breastfeeding baby can also get gassy after feeding.

A common reason could be the foods we eat; your baby could be sensitive to a particular meal; thus, it is something to keep track of. 

In this case, you must experiment to figure out what is causing the gas.

Unfortunately there is no solid research that could guide you, as babies are different and react differently.

Just consider this a journey of discovery on how to burp a baby.

Some tips that can help you in burping your baby

Protect your clothes

When you are burping your baby, ensure that you protect your clothes, as the air comes up she might remove some milk with it.

This is where a bib or a burp cloth comes in handy, but in the event, you get some spit-up stains, these are helpful tips to remove it naturally.

Make use of bibs or burp cloths

Ensure you always have a bib or a burp cloth nearby as babies tend to spit up a lot, their stomachs are not used to keeping all the food down.

Gently rub or part your baby

Try giving your baby a gentle rub or part on her back; this tends to help most babies to get the air out. But if this is not working for her, you could try using a slightly firmer hand to get things going.

Focus on the left side of her back

When burping your baby, ensure you focus more on her left side of the back; this side is where her stomach is located; this way, you can burp your baby much faster.

No need to spend endless minutes trying to get the air out, rub the right spot and things get moving much more quickly.

Ensure you properly burp your baby to reduce the fussiness

If your baby is the type to fuss during feedings, it could be a sign that her tummy is filled with air, so there is some level of discomfort she could be feeling.

And as she continues to fuss, she is also continuing to swallow more air, at this moment pause the nursing session and rub her back a little to release some of the air.

Probably the bubbles accumulated in her stomach could be causing the fuss; once the air is released, you could proceed with nursing.

Always burp even when your baby is asleep

If your baby falls asleep during feeding times, ensure you have burped her before putting her down to sleep. If not, she might wake up cranky in pain due to the trapped gas.

Not all babies burp

It is important to note that not all babies burp; however, no matter the case trying to burp your baby is advisable as it assists them in releasing the trapped gas. 

How to properly burp a newborn baby

 There are three common got to positions for burping your baby, before getting to know what works for you try all three positions and see what gets things moving faster for you and baby.

Try to place your baby on your shoulder.

Place your baby on your shoulder and firmly hold her, with one hand use it to support her bottom, while the other hand on her back, either gently patting or rub her.

Having your baby’s face down on your lap

While seated, have your baby’s tummy down across your lap. With this position, it will have her stomach on one of your legs, while her head on the other, ensure her head is turned sideways so that she can breathe easily.

One hand will be holding your little angel while the other gently rubbing or patting her back.

Have your baby sitting up?

While also seated, have your baby in a sitting potion on your lap and try to have her leaning slightly forward. With one arm, you will support her head and chest, while the other hand is rubbing or tapping on her back.

The Science Behind Baby Burping: Why Is It Necessary

Burping is not just an act that calms a crying, stress-ridden infant; it helps move the baby’s food.

There is a tendency for babies to ingest air together with the milk when feeding from a bottle.

This air is introduced into their systems and lodged within the stomach, leading to discomfort, bloating, and pain.

Burping is effective as it eliminates all that uncomfortable gas, enabling the infant to feel relaxed and return to feeding.

Some pediatricians say that a baby is less likely to spit up or develop colic, common in children in the early months, if the child is burped properly.

It is worth noting that while this looks uncomplicated, it is helpful to appreciate why the child needs to burp.

What if Your Baby Doesn’t Burp?

Sometimes, despite your efforts, your baby might not burp. Which is normal as most children don’t burp often.

As most doctors advise, you should encourage burping for about ten or fifteen minutes, after which it is okay to allow the baby to lie down for a few minutes and then try again. This allows the air to shift, making it easier to burp.

Similarly, holding your infant upright for some time after feeding is good to decrease the chances of gas formation.

If your baby is calm and not fussy then not burping might not be an issue.

Some frequently asked questions to perfect your burping skills.

How long do you burp a baby?

Try to burp after every feed. However, if you notice she is extra hungry and gulps down her milk quick, try to burp her between feedings.

After your baby is well-fed, burp her for 10 to 15 minutes. Try to have her upright to avoid having the milk come back up. If your baby has GERD and tends to spit up, you might need to burp her a little longer.

Think of this as a bonding session; you can sing or talk to your baby.

Do you need to burp a newborn?

As we all know, babies are different.

Some tend to be gassier than others, but all babies need to be burped after every feed. It is to ensure any trapped air has been released, and what’s left in her tummy is the milk she needs.

And you might notice your baby immediately sleeps after her feeding. If this happens ensure you still burp her to keep her comfortable.

What happens when baby doesn’t burp after feeding?

If your baby does not release the trapped air she might have ingested while feeding, it might create some discomfort for her later.

This air tends to move to her little intestines, which now ends up as gas. Thus, making her feel full than she really is, and we know how trapped gas feels uncomfortable for you, let alone your baby.

Trying to burp her reduces all this discomfort or crankiness in her next feed.

Why is it so hard to burp a newborn?

In this post, we have stressed the importance of burping your baby; but what if it’s challenging to get her to burp? Don’t stress, as babies are different, and at times, not all babies have to burp.

Typically, a bottle-fed baby will burp more than a breastfed baby. Because breastfeeding makes them swallow less air.

To remedy this problem, try to burp her for about 10 minutes in an upright position. It ensures all the milk has gotten to her tiny stomach. 

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