How often to change nursing pads

Getting into motherhood is a slow process; this is all new to you and your body, and as a breastfeeding mom, you need to give yourself the extra time to get into the new rhythm. When starting this breastfeeding journey, you will notice many changes. First, your body has not yet gripped how to control milk production. Thus you will notice moments milk will leak unexpectedly. You could be just chilling, hear your baby crying, or just cuddling your little one, and all of a sudden, you feel some letdown happening. Nursing pads come to play, but how often to change nursing pads is the big question.

How to stop leaking breast?

Breastfeeding affects our bodies one way or another and offers an endless list of benefits to you and your little one, but getting the hang of this new concept needs some time. Nobody wants to deal with embarrassing leakages when guests are over or out and about, so get some nursing pads. These are placed between your nipple and bra to ensure it effectively absorbs the unwanted milk flow, and this should spare you from those unpleasant milk stains.

Some frequently asked questions

  1. How often to change nursing pads?

When your breast pads have absorbed a large amount of milk, these should be changed. How soon you should change your pad varies for each mother as some of us are heavy leakers, while others not so much; however, make it a routine to change the nursing pads after every feed.

  • What are the advantages of having disposable pads?

The disposable nursing pads have been designed to be much thinner as compared to the reusable. It makes them less visible under your clothes. Once used, you can quickly dispose of them with your household trash, reducing the extra time to clean them, no need to have more work than you should with a newborn. And when you are traveling, you can easily store these in your baby bag.

  • Which is the best nursing pad to use for irritated nipples?

If you have irritated nipples, you should try and get breathable nursing pads. When there is sufficient air circulation taking place, this should reduce the skin irritation you might be experiencing. And if you have some inflammation, this will help you recover better without getting your clothes any milk stains.

What you should know about nursing pads

Like the nappies we pick out for our babies, the type of material used in the pads is equally essential. The material should be a good absorbent; if it quickly gets soaked from a small let down, this will make the pad a good breeding ground for bacteria growth. Thus this leads to nipple irritation and, in some cases, some soreness.

To prevent such incidences, ensure the pad has good moisture retention and has been made with a breathable material, which will help improve air circulation. A good nursing pad and gives you that extra peace of mind of not worrying about milk leakage when you are in public; I mean, nobody wants to deal with milk stains on our favorite clothes on top of caring for a newborn.

Are nursing pads safe to use?

When we start caring for another little human being, the first thing that comes to our head when trying something new is ‘is it safe for baby’. When these pads are correctly used, they are a safe and hygienic way to prevent breast milk leakages.

It would be best if you remembered that the most significant risk you might face is bacteria growth. Bacteria have been known to thrive in warm and moist places. Thus, if your breast pads are not changed frequently, this can be an excellent breeding ground for it.

Some essential things you need to keep in mind.

  • Changing your pads when damp

Ensure that you change your nursing pad each time it gets dump as you are trying to reduce moisture around your nipples. With moisture means bacteria growth, and when you have broken skin and sore nipple, you need to take extra care. If you are experiencing some breast pains or engorged breasts due to milk build-up, this needs to be looked at. Unresolved breast pains could lead to mastitis, which is a severe infection in your milk duct.

  • Moist environments encourage the growth of fungi.

Fungal growth is another severe culprit you will need to look out for. And one very common fungal that you don’t need to be dealing with is candida. It causes a build-up of thrush on your nipples which could also spread your baby’s mouth. It can be very uncomfortable, itchy, and flaky, so take the extra time to get the perfect nursing pad and change it frequently.

Something to know about Reusable breast pads 

If you get a thrush while using the reusable breast pads, you might need to dispose of them. Yeast can live on your clothing even after several vigorous washes. Thus, leading to a never-ending cycle of infections, take the extra steps needed to prevent yeast infections.

Breast pads tend to irritate nipples.

Some women complain of sore nipples after continual use of breast pads, a quite uncomfortable experience. The best thing is to check the material used on the particular pad, get something breathable, and probably use some nipple cream. These are simple steps that will help the prevention of irritated nipples.

Nursing pads options to explore

The nursing period should not be a nightmare for you, rather a time to bond with your little one, and in this regard, several options have been designed to make nursing an enjoyable moment. From the breast pumps to nursing pads that will prevent those embarrassing leakages. You can choose from reusable breast pads, silicone breast padding, and the disposable option. Let’s find out what each can offer.

Additionally, if you are looking for the best breastfeeding latch tips, these should help make the process much more comfortable.

Disposable nursing pads

These have been designed to be discrete and easily disposable. It comes in a thin design with a single-use absorbent pad. You will notice that it comes in an individual plastic wrap to ensure that the pads are sanitary. 

So what are the benefits these pads can offer you?

  • It is a more convenient option to keep the leakage controlled.
  • They have been made easy to use because you are too busy taking care of the little one.
  • It has been designed with adhesive to ensure the breast pad stays in place, so when you are on the move, the pads will not also move.
  • Some of these pads have been designed with plastic-lined to ensure no leakages will be taking place anytime soon.
  • And did I forget to mention how thin and discrete these little helpers are?

The downside of using the disposable breast pads

  • The main problem with these pads is that it is not eco-friendly.
  • The extra plastic-lined added to the pads might create some moisture retention, and with moisture, this makes a perfect breeding ground for bacteria.
  • It might be an expensive affair, as you need to keep purchasing more pads until your breast milk production is under control.

The reusable breast pads

These are a little eco-friendlier than their counterparts; they are designed to be machine washable, which you can use multiple times. The pads come in different materials to offer you extra comfort and the super absorbent quality you are looking for.  

Some of the benefits you will enjoy are as follows.

  • If you are keen about the environment, consider these pads, designed eco-friendly, no disposing of just popping in the machine for a wash and ready for use.
  • It is a more cost-effective option as you don’t incur the repeat purchase cost.
  • These have been designed to be breathable, eliminate cases of moisture once the pad is soaked—an excellent option to keep bacteria at bay.

Some of the drawbacks

  • These are designed slightly thicker than the disposable pads. Thus, this will be noticeable below your clothing.
  • It is a more cost-effective option, but the upfront price tag might put you off.
  • You will need to ensure you do proper regular cleaning of the pads to reduce bacterial or yeast infection.
  • Invest and get about 10 – 12 nursing pads to ensure you have enough for rotating between each cleaning.
  • These have been made to be non-adhesive.

Something important on how often to change nursing pads.

  • Whichever option you go for, there are a few things that you need to be aware of. It is just the basics to ensure you keep clean and keep you and your baby safe.
  • When putting on a nursing pad, ensure that your nipple is dry, and if it is necessary, maybe you have cracked nipples or experience some soreness, you can apply a cream.
  • Ensure that your nipple has been positioned to the center of the breast pad.
  • Make sure you have properly secured the breast pad in your breast cup.
  • And if you feel it is not as comfortable, adjust it accordingly.
  • When the pad is damp, you should replace it immediately; this should reduce any infection or bacteria growth risks from taking place.
  • Noticing some breast milk leakage is very common than you can imagine, and with breast pads, this should help reduce those embracing moments. 
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