How long does it take to get pregnant?

Eight tips on getting pregnant fast

When you finally decide it is time to get expectant, it can be a thrilling time on the new step you want to take, but this could also be stressful in case you start trying, and it takes longer than you expected. So how long does it take to get pregnant? The answer to this depends on various factors, and remember the journey is altered for every female.

For some individuals, the process could come very quickly in six months of trying or even less, but for some, this might take a little longer. What is essential during this time is to ensure you are taking care of yourself, and probably these tips on how to get pregnant fast and easy might help.

What is vital when you decide to embark on this journey is to take your prenatal vitamins and ensure you have adopted a healthy lifestyle; this means keeping away from smoking, drinking, and drugs and try to include a daily exercise routine. The most important thing is keeping stress at bay.

how fast to get pregnant

Eight tips on getting pregnant fast

As we have stated, the journey of getting pregnant is different for each person, and your likelihood to conceive depends on a number of factors, from your health, your age plays an important role and your medical history.

Below are some tips to increase your chances of getting pregnant.

1. Consider getting an ovulation kit

You could get an over the counter kit to help you assess when you are ovulating; this way, you can plan for sex. Don’t make this enjoyable task seem like a chore, even if it is planned, try and spice it up for both your enjoyment. The next question that must be burning in your head is how many days after ovulation can you get pregnant?

The good news is, pregnancy after ovulation is possible, but it is limited to the 12-24 hour window after when your egg has been released. But with cervical mucus, it helps the sperm to survive up to 5 days, and it would take the sperm about 6 hours to reach the fallopian tube. If the sperm reaches the destination just after the egg has been released, then you can quickly have a bun in the oven.

2. Your cervical mucus

As you have seen for the point above, your cervical mucus plays a critical role. Therefore you also need to keep track of this. Through your cycle, your cervical mucus tends to change in quality and quantity. So when you are just about to ovulate, you will notice you have more mucus, this means your body is creating a conducive environment for the sperm. When your mucus resembles egg whites, then this is the time you are most fertile; it should look clear and feel stretchy; the more the mucus, the higher your chances of getting pregnant. Once you notice this, it is time to get busy with your partner as it increases your chances of getting pregnant during ovulation.

3. Try and chart your basal body temperature

Tracking your basal body temperature also referred to as BBT, helps in assessing when you are ovulating. The BBT is your lowest body temperature, and you can measure this when fully at rest, and this reading tends to fluctuate through your cycle. Just after ovulation, your BBT will rise from about 0.4 to 1.0 degrees and will continue to stay elevated till your next period. You could chart your BBT every morning before getting out of bed; it is best if you can check at the same time each day.

4. Ensure you are maintaining a healthy weight

When trying to conceive, you need to ensure you are not underweight or overweight; this way, you can keep your reproductive cycle in the right balance. You will also need to regularly check your BMI score anything that is ranking between 19 and 24 indicates you are within the healthy weight range. 

when does conception occur

5. Watch what you are eating

Did you know unhealthy food intake has been linked to fertility issues as it makes your reproductive cycle to be unregular. And this is what causes your ovulation to take place or not at all. Try and switch up your protein sources, instead of animal-based how about you load up on vegetable protein sources, like dried beans and some nuts. When you rely on vegetable protein sources, the risk of ovulatory infertility instantly drops by 5 percent. Remember, you are what you eat.

6. Stay hydrated

You need to ensure you are drinking plenty of water; this helps with your cervical fluid. When you don’t drink sufficient water, the sperm might get a little sluggish when trying to get to the egg. You know you have consumed enough water when your urine is light yellow.

7. Try and cut back on the caffeine

If you are consuming a lot of caffeine in a day. This might interfere with your conception. At this time, you can reduce the amount you take in, but it is advisable you cut back on it to increase your chances. If the thought of losing your morning pick me sounds dreadful, then how about cutting back to just a cup of coffee in the morning, and the rest of the day load up in water. Water has also been found to keep you energized throughout the day.

8. Schedule an appointment with your OB-GYN

Ensure you have met with your health care provider as they can speak to you more on your overall health status. And from here, they can offer better suggestions that can help in getting you pregnant fast. 


A few Frequently asked questions

When staring the journey of getting pregnant, there are a few questions that might be running through your mind. Below we have tried to answer a few of the common ones.

When does conception occur?

It is important to note that pregnancy will not start the day you have sex. It has been found it could take up to six days after sex for the sperm and egg to meet and fertilize. And after this, another three to four days for the egg to implant itself. So when trying to conceive, try give your body the needed time to get things done. 

How long does it take to get pregnant after sex?

With the process of sperm meeting egg, fertilizing and implanting it could take one to two weeks to get pregnant. But in the meantime, ensure you are keeping healthy to speed up the process.

What are some early signs of conception?

Some of the common signs could be tender or swollen breasts, some fatigue, headaches, nausea, mood swings, constipation, to name a few. Once you notice some signs ensure you get tested and take the necessary steps to your pregnancy journey, and this time I think congratulations are in order.

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